Sunday, September 29, 2013

Stewart Mansion

     I have heard of a place in Galveston, Tx that involved hauntings of Indians and Pirates. It was all caused by a battle that involved a daughter of an Indian tribe chief. Then, some man built a mansion on part of the land. I wanted to know the actual story, so I did some research.
     It is said, that a cannibalistic tribe called the Karankawas and a pirate named Jean Lafitte, went into battle. Jean Lafitte and his fellow pirates, stole the daughter of the Karankawa's Chief. The Karankawa tribe sent more than a hundred men to kill the pirates, but only had bows and arrows. The pirates killed most of the Indians in three days, which is known as the Battle of the Three Trees on 1821.
     A mansion was built in 1926 on part of the land that the battle took place by George Sealey, who was a famous industrialist. Later on in 1944, Maco Stewart bought the mansion. Stewart Mansion is known to have different pieces of Spanish Conquest and pirate art drawn on the walls and tiles.
     Many people who are interested in the haunted aspect of this mansion, say that there is plenty of paranormal activity that occurs late at night. There are claims that involve apparitions of Indians and Pirates at midnight. Others go inside the mansion and hear voices and footsteps that come and go. There are a few that claim to see what appears to be the daughter of the Karankawa's chief. This is definitely a place I would love to visit, but I only have enough courage to go in the day time.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


     Whenever I hear stories of haunted places, the storyteller makes the ghost seem as an evil entity. Ghosts only want to attain attention from the person they need help from. They may move objects, but only to make their presence clear. A demon has much more planned.
     Demons plan to possess humans and drive them to their deaths. According to demonology, demons do this by the five most common stages: encroachment, infestation, oppression, possession, and death. Many of the times that demons enter someones life is simply by playing with the Ouija board. There are many ways that a demon may enter someone's life, but it is not worth being too curious.
     Knowing that there is a demon present, is not too hard. Demons are driven by hatred and God. They usually do their work in threes. They will knock three times and by doing that, they insult God. In movies, most demon attacks take place at 3 a.m. because that is a greater insult to God. 
     They pick on the weakest person in the household, or the one that is there most of the time. They might start by scaring that person to trigger fear, which they feed on. They believe that they are better than God, yet they still fear God. Having religious items in a household will be a good way to know if there is a demon near you because they usually try to destroy anything representing God. Demons are nasty and hateful creatures. Do not play with any sort of black magic to have a good time, because you never know what you may conjure up from the other side.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

La Lomita Mission

     When I was growing up, all I would hear the older kids say was that they were going to investigate a place called La Lomita in Mission, Tx. Throughout the years, I have continued to hear stories of paranormal activity happening in that place. Mostly everyone that knows about it believes it is haunted.
     I wanted to investigate for myself, but there was too many cops and border patrol vehicles driving around. The convent was also torn down and only the entrance was left so that people would stop trespassing. My second option was to listen to the story told by my neighbors who have been living in Mission their entire lives.
     It is said that the mission's priest raped and kept some nuns chained at the nearby convent in La Lomita. The people say that they would bury the bodies of the children in the convent's grounds. Some illegal immigrants knew what the priests were doing, so they decided to put an end to it. They went to kill the three priests and were stealing the valuables as well. One priest escaped, but he died while searching for help. 
     Since then, the curious people from nearby cities have gone late at night to see shapes of men with robes. The convent was later turned into an asylum for the mentally ill, but soon shut down because of rumors of mistreatment towards the patients. The workers would see apparitions of the priests. Many who have gone late at night, say that you can hear babies crying and chains clanking. 
     Haunted or not?
(Photo Taken By Cassandra Torres)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Haunted Tracks

     South of San Antonio, Texas, near San Juan Mission, you may find many cars in line near a rail-road track, awaiting their turn to be saved. They are waiting to be saved from a train by little children. All this may sound odd to you ,but it is an attraction for many people that believe that specific rail-road crossing is haunted.
     It is said that some time in the 1930's or 1940's,  there was a school bus that stopped in the middle of the tracks and was hit by a train before being able to move to safety. The bus driver and 10 children were killed in the tragic accident. Now, the tracks are the children's playground.
     The way to test the legend, is to leave your car on neutral, or the engine off, a couple of yards from the crossing. Soon, your vehicle will begin moving towards the tracks and then passed them to safety. This experiment is said to be effective everytime.When non-believers need more proof, they cover their vehicle in baby powder only to see children's handprints.
     To many, that is not enough proof, so they have tested the site to find reasons to debunk the legend. Their evidence is the track itself. They mention that the road appears to be uphill ,but that it is actually at  a declined slope, which effectively causes vehicles to move when in neutral. As with the handprints, they could simply be your own, since the powder reveals even the oldest ones. There is also no record of an accident ever taking place, so where could the restless innocent souls come from?
     Haunted or not?

Sunday, September 1, 2013

    Whether it is at a campfire, family night, or a movie, ghost stories are told. Ghost stories exist everywhere, and new ones are being told every night. They either disappoint us, or keep us up all night in fear. Yet, we always want more. 
    The supernatural has always been intriguing to me. All the stories that have been told to me since I was a little girl,  still continue to entertain me. When the topic comes up,  everyone has a story to share. Even the non-believers join to give their opinion. 
    Every week I will share with you information about the most  haunted places in the U.S. or certain individuals that should not be amongst us .  Their dark history will be told. Many of these places are product of murder, suicide, or fatal accidents, but the trapped souls that remain  tell their story in different ways. There are sightings, physical contact, sounds, etc.
    I will also be sharing information on supernatural terms. The differences between ghosts and demons. The devices that will help you obtain evidence. 
   The stories will be told, but you will decide to believe or not. Feel free to comment on your own experiences or why you believe they are only stories meant to scare you. If there are any stories you are interested in knowing more about, you can let me know.