It is said, that a cannibalistic tribe called the Karankawas and a pirate named Jean Lafitte, went into battle. Jean Lafitte and his fellow pirates, stole the daughter of the Karankawa's Chief. The Karankawa tribe sent more than a hundred men to kill the pirates, but only had bows and arrows. The pirates killed most of the Indians in three days, which is known as the Battle of the Three Trees on 1821.
A mansion was built in 1926 on part of the land that the battle took place by George Sealey, who was a famous industrialist. Later on in 1944, Maco Stewart bought the mansion. Stewart Mansion is known to have different pieces of Spanish Conquest and pirate art drawn on the walls and tiles.
Many people who are interested in the haunted aspect of this mansion, say that there is plenty of paranormal activity that occurs late at night. There are claims that involve apparitions of Indians and Pirates at midnight. Others go inside the mansion and hear voices and footsteps that come and go. There are a few that claim to see what appears to be the daughter of the Karankawa's chief. This is definitely a place I would love to visit, but I only have enough courage to go in the day time.