Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Haunted Tracks

     South of San Antonio, Texas, near San Juan Mission, you may find many cars in line near a rail-road track, awaiting their turn to be saved. They are waiting to be saved from a train by little children. All this may sound odd to you ,but it is an attraction for many people that believe that specific rail-road crossing is haunted.
     It is said that some time in the 1930's or 1940's,  there was a school bus that stopped in the middle of the tracks and was hit by a train before being able to move to safety. The bus driver and 10 children were killed in the tragic accident. Now, the tracks are the children's playground.
     The way to test the legend, is to leave your car on neutral, or the engine off, a couple of yards from the crossing. Soon, your vehicle will begin moving towards the tracks and then passed them to safety. This experiment is said to be effective everytime.When non-believers need more proof, they cover their vehicle in baby powder only to see children's handprints.
     To many, that is not enough proof, so they have tested the site to find reasons to debunk the legend. Their evidence is the track itself. They mention that the road appears to be uphill ,but that it is actually at  a declined slope, which effectively causes vehicles to move when in neutral. As with the handprints, they could simply be your own, since the powder reveals even the oldest ones. There is also no record of an accident ever taking place, so where could the restless innocent souls come from?
     Haunted or not?

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